21 May 2020

Sports Activities in the Lockdown: Cycling Season Opened

How fast time passes. I wrote a post three weeks ago and only now found the time to post it. I thought I would be able to write more during the lockdown, but I am realizing that’s not the case.

I admit that this situation is already really bothering me. And it is, even more, overwhelming for the boys. The stress of being at home day after day without the company of peers and friends is already showing in their conduct. 
Sometimes they are fed up with each other, especially because they have different characters. The older one likes solitude and needs time for himself, the younger one needs company all the time. So it is not surprising when they get to a brawl.

And distance learning as the school is called now is also already fairly annoying. If in the beginning they were still working hard and doing things, now we are arguing about getting to school work at all.

13 April 2020

Why is Important to Go Outdoors in Social Isolation and How to Do It

We are entering the 5th week of isolation.

What was said to be the two weeks, now turned in to well over a month and probably we are facing at least one more month of it. We are lucky, they say.

I must admit that for me things didn't change much. I liked staying at home and spending time with my boys well before this coronavirus threat.

Nevertheless, things changed for our family. Now there are five of us at home. Constantly. We are used to be together a lot, but now our home has turned into the office (hubby works from home most of the time, luckily I am still on my maternity leave) and school (the school year continues and boys get school work by email; still better than going to school, they say, but staying in all the time isn't something that they are too happy about). We also cook a lot more now that we are home during the day, every day, and clean, which is not my favourite chore. At all.

20 October 2019

Where Did the Summer Go

I can't believe that it is already September (it took me a whole month to publish :)). It was only yesterday that we planed what we are going to do during summer holidays. And now the boys are back to school.

We had a great summer never the less.

I always like to plan things. It gives me a sense of excitement to think about the adventures we will have. But it always amazes me how the plans tent to take their own path. And how the actual implementation is (most of the times) even better than the planed one.

With a newborn we didn't plan any major travels to avoid being to far if anything would happen to her. It's not that I don't trust foreign medical systems,it's more a matter of communication in foreign language and the feeling of helplessness of not knowing what's going on.

Luckily the baby was alright and healthy all the time, so we didn't have any worries with that. And than soon realised that we can't stay put and need to move around and see places.

So what happened?

30 June 2019

A Whole New Adventure

Has already begun for our family. I was so occupied with it that I totally neglected documenting our travels.

Also, I didn't have a lot to write about as I haven't travelled much. First, I was waiting for the snow to come this winter and had no luck as the snow was scarce this year.

Than, I wanted to share some previous great trips we had in past years and realised that the photos of past three years of travels have been lost due to external disc malfunction (no, we didn't made backup and both hubby and me pride ourselves in being very organised). This was quite a shock, but hopefully we will manage to recover the photos.Luckily, we have copies saved on other dicks for pictures of earlier dates and the latest (yes, we have learned the lesson).

And what is this new adventure, you might ask?

28 November 2018

Mt. Etna - the Volcanic Goddess

As the winter is slowly entering the country it is time to bring in a little heat. And what better way to do so than with a post about summer adventures.

We had a great holiday this summer, that I'm still thinking about a lot. And one of most memorable trips we had in two weeks of travelling to the South of Italy was hiking the Mt. Etna. It was so amazing that I still get excited when I think about it.

Etna is a 3323 meters high volcanic mountain in Sicily, the highest and most active volcano in Europe. It erupts every few years or even every few months. The last eruption happened about a month after we visit it.