17 April 2017

Slovenia's little adventures

Slovenia is a very interesting place. I'm not saying this just because it's my home country, but because it's true.

On the surface of 20.273 square metres you can practically experience everything. There are the Alps in the North-West of the country, the endless lowlands in North-Est, where once there was a Pannonic sea. We also have a sea which is accessible from any part of the country approximately in 3 hours. You can also see the sea from the top of the highest mountain, Triglav (a.k.a. Three heads, yes we do give strange names to our landmarks) on the clear day.

You can also find pristine nature on almost every step, rivers and lakes and there are also few rain like forest here, where you get the feeling that you found yourself in the middle of a jungle.

We have one language and more than 40 dialects and this all on this small surface.

Slovenia is like a roller coaster where you can experience all the fun and adventure you want.

But where does this praises introduction lead to, you might wonder?

09 April 2017

Endless water in Bovec region

One of my favorite places in Slovenia and probably on earth is wider Bovec region. Bovec is a town situated in North-West Slovenia. 

It is a nature pearl hidden in a valley protected by high mountains. This means that the access is not as convenient as one would like. From the North-Est and North-West is accessible by 2 mountain passes, both crossing the Julian Alps from different sides - Vršič from Slovenian side, from Kranjska Gora and Predil from Italian side. From the South it is accessible only through narrow and long gorge like valley passing the town of Tolmin and Kobarid.

02 April 2017

One day trip: Monastery of Žiče

I believe that every country, region or place has its own bits of pearls of historic or natural monuments. Slovenia is no exception at that and never stops amazes me with the natural monuments that are spread all around the our small country.

One of such pearls is the Monastery of Žiče, hidden away in the narrow valley of St. Janez near Slovenske Konjice.

Its story starts around 1160 when the Comte Otokar III of Štajerska has establish the monastery of the french order of Carthusians.