17 April 2017

Slovenia's little adventures

Slovenia is a very interesting place. I'm not saying this just because it's my home country, but because it's true.

On the surface of 20.273 square metres you can practically experience everything. There are the Alps in the North-West of the country, the endless lowlands in North-Est, where once there was a Pannonic sea. We also have a sea which is accessible from any part of the country approximately in 3 hours. You can also see the sea from the top of the highest mountain, Triglav (a.k.a. Three heads, yes we do give strange names to our landmarks) on the clear day.

You can also find pristine nature on almost every step, rivers and lakes and there are also few rain like forest here, where you get the feeling that you found yourself in the middle of a jungle.

We have one language and more than 40 dialects and this all on this small surface.

Slovenia is like a roller coaster where you can experience all the fun and adventure you want.

But where does this praises introduction lead to, you might wonder?

Because of its geographical specifics and terrain there is are parts that are quite difficult to access due to high mountains separating that "cut off" certain areas from others. One of such places is the upper river Soča valley with its towns like Kobarid, Tolmin and Most na Soči. To reach them you have to make quite a long detour to get there if you want to get there by car. You will drive the beautiful roads, through beautiful places, but the journey will take you quite some time.

Or you can take the train. But not just any train - the auto-train if you want to take a trip by car, which takes you from Gorenjska region in Bohinjska Bistrica (near lake Bohinj) to Primorska region in Most na Soči. 

For any train loving person this is quite an adventure. And I find the most pleasure in the simplest things. Auto-train is one of that kind of experiences that is so simple yet very exiting and fun.

The road leads through the longest tunnel in Slovenia under the mountain Črna prst (1844 m).

The train station in Bohinjska Bistrica is a small station and quite hidden away from the town, but the signs will lead you to it. And if you think you got lost, you're probably arrived to the destination. Make sure you come well before time as the loading of the cars (you can load also campers, pick-up trucks, vans and bicycles) ends 15 minutes prior to departure and if the line will be long you'll probably have to take the next train. 

If you are like my dearest you'll be early enough to be the first in line where you'll get all the best views.

View of Čedad from Devil's bridge

From Most na Soči we continued our journey to Čedad or Cividale del Friuli in Italian, a town near Slovene-Italian border with rich history and a great Slovene mark (where 30% of the habitants are Slovenes). Čedad is remarkable little town with picturesque old town and narrow streets. Piazza del Duomo is the central point of the town and you'll see the most of the sights just by wandering the stone paved streets. And you can take some time to relax on the shores of river Nadiža where you can admire the stone bridge Hudičev most or the Devil's bridge.

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