13 May 2018

Hiking in Slovenia - One Day Trip to Sabotin

The autumn has already warmed up. The trees are blossoming, the birds are singing and the days are longer. I love longer days, it feels like suddenly I have more time to do things. In winter the days kind of end at 5 P.M. 

The spring is great. The weather is more pleasant and sunny and it is much more tempting to go outside, to do something that perhaps we don't do as much during the winter. In spring, nature is waking up and so are different activities that are much more tempting in spring. Like hiking.

I love hiking, although I breathe heavily and whine the whole way up. Well, it's just hard exercise and being in bad shape like I am doesn't help. But once on top of the mountain, all the hardship and endeavour are forgotten. To climb a mountain gives a spectacular feeling of accomplishment. Doesn't it? Like being on top of the world. And the views are just astonishing.