31 January 2018

Visiting friends in Bela Krajina

When I talk to people and ask them what they like to do, traveling is on many peoples bucket list. Almost everyone would love to travel. To see new places. To meet new people. To discover new cultures.

I think about this a lot, because traveling is not on my bucket list and wouldn't be on any kind of list id it weren't for my hubby, who likes to travel. To see new places. To uncover the secrets of foreign cultures.

I could live without travelling. I would be perfectly content if not traveling at all. There is already not enough time to do all the thinks I like regularly or to see family and friends more often as it is.

And there are other ways to see places and enjoy the benefits of traveling - paying friends a visit. Friends that I can get to see very often. Friends that live in another region for example.

Few times I year I visit a friend that lives in the South-Est part od the country called Bela Krajina.

01 January 2018

One of The Most Magical Places on Earth

We entered 2018 on a gloomy day, with light rain and cloudiness that made the day dark even before the night.

I must admit that rainy days suit me. I like rain, actually I like everything watery: the rivers, the lakes, the sea, the waterfalls, the running water and especially the rain. I concede that for most people the rain is not to pleasant, especially if it rains constantly for days, although for many a day or an afternoon is enough. 

For me the rain is magical and I love the scramble of raindrops on the roof and its sprinkling sound. 

However, most of all I love rainy days, because it gives a great excuse not to move from home on a free day.

And this is one of those days, that we get to enjoy at home. There's just too many thinks that I like to do and never enough time to do them, so I'm always trying to get most of the days that I get the much needed peace and quiet to do them.