06 December 2016

Family trip: Discovering Italy

During the autumn holidays, in the beginning of November, we decided to take a little trip (has it been a month since then, already?). Normally we stay at home as it is also the time of holidays: Reformation Day and Memorial Day. And as we Slovenes or at least some of us are quite traditional regarding the holidays it is also time for visits and to spend time with the family.

But as the holidays usually collide with the school autumn holidays and this year with both kids at school we broke the tradition (not with out visiting the family, of course) and possibly made a new one and pack our bags and left to the neighbour country of Italy.

Slovenia, this little pearl in middle of Europe, finds itself in very favourable position, situated not only between the sea and the mountains but also some cool countries to visit.

Italy is a west side neighbour and as Slovenia is small it doesn't take a lot of time to arrive in some of amazing places with lots of history.

As we had only four days for the trip we chose nearby cities that we haven't visited yet or we wanted to visit them with the kids.

Our journey lead us through the Renaissance cities of Norther Italy from Padova, Venice to Verona and Vicenza. One day for each city.

I don't know if I really needed this trip or it was really that amazing, but we have enjoyed a holiday as a family like never before. And we always enjoy our holidays!

We stayed in a small village of Teolo south-west of Padova from where we made our daily trips to chosen destination of the day.

On the way, we prefer to stay some where out side the cities, especially if we are not visiting only the city itself, because usually we accidentally see some places that we didn't mean to visit but where on our way. 

We have found an organic farm in Parco Regionale dei Colli Euganei, which is know for its climate and volcanic origins and offer plenty of hiking, visiting and historical attractions. It was also nice to just get away from the business of the cities and whole days walking around to quite down at the country side in the evening.

The four cities and our trips were just so amazing that I will dedicate a special post for each of them.

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