20 March 2016

One day trip: Katarina

On a sunny day like today's there was only one place to spend the first day of spring - somewhere in nature. 

We spent ours in Katarina, a hill near Ljubljana. It is one of those places that is crowded in a sunny day and you can enjoy a more peaceful hike when the weather is not so great.

It offers an easy hike and plenty of great views, lots of greenery and peaceful nature. 

We spent the day not only hiking but also picking dandelions, plant of bitter taste but of healing power. I make a soup of it. You can also use its root that make very distasteful tea, which is great for body cleansing. Clean it, cut it into a small piece and dry it.

It was also a great day for tree climbing and I just love kozolec, a specific architectural pear of Slovene rural structure used to dry hay and stock farm tools. There are many shapes of it, from the simple ones to almost house like ones.

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