03 March 2016

How to visit Paris in one day

Last week I was in Paris for 3 day at a conference. As conference was only for 2 days, I had an extra day to stroll the one of the most amazing cities in the world.

I love Paris. I adore it.

I saw Paris for the first time when I was 16 and fell in love with it. For me the city has the most amazing atmosfere. What fascinates me the most it its history that left, in my opinion, a remarkable stamp on the city itself and why it is so remarkably charming. I mean, it has charm, it has mistery, it has Sartre, and I could go on and on. And for me those are are the things that make me oversee the dirt of the city.

But let us return to the visit. This time I was with a colleague who has never been to Paris before really and we had one day.

As I like to think of my self as quite familiar with Paris and always prefer to visit the city as a "local", well, at least not as an too obvious turist, I took her around Paris and still make her see quite a bit of the city.

We started at Montmartre as our hotel was there. When to Sacre-Coeur and le Palce du Tertre.

We continued to the famous Moulin Rouge. Then to L'Opera and la Place du Vondome.

It was le Parc de Tuileries with the view as far as to La Defence next, followed by a short walk to Louvre.

We had to go to la Notre Dame and got a view even of Le Tour Eiffel from le Pont Neuf.

We finished our round in the Le Marais district and than back to the hotel.

Which landmarks would you propose to see in Paris if you only got one day?

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