16 February 2016

One day trip: The Škocjan Caves

It's been raining quite a lot for the past few days here in Slovenia. In this kind of weather it's sometimes hard to find an outdoor activity that would suite all family member and wouldn't pose a dilemma whether to spend the day at home.

Slovenia offers many pearls of nature to visit in any kind of weather or time of the year. And the Škocjan Caves are one of those landmarks. 

Beeing inscribed on UNESCO's list of natural and cultural world heritage sites since 1986, the caves are truly stunning. 

There are two paths to visit (see picture above): 

  • through the underground canyon from one side, the one we took, is longer (3km) and you will see the flowstone in all its glory. The visit is possible only with a guide and at specific times.
  • following the river Reka underground from the other side, which is shorter (1,5 km) and that you can visit with a guide or on your own.
There is also a Education Trail, again guided or not, which will take you a circular path around the cliff of the cave.

We choose a rainy day for visit as visiting the caves it more like indoor-outdoor kind of experience, but at the end of the day were lucky enough to walk the Education Trail in the sunshine afterwards. 

As it's not aloud to take pictures in the caves, for more information refer to: http://www.park-skocjanske-jame.si/en

It is absolutely the visit worth taking and the one you'll certainly remember.

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