08 February 2016

One day trip: Kurentovanje at Ptuj

If you visit Slovenia around carnival time, make sure to stop at one of traditional carnivals in Cerknica, Cerkno or Ptuj.

Everyone of them is know and interesting of its traditional masks. As we visited the first two in previous years, this year we decided to go to Ptuj. To see the famous carnival figure named Kurent. 

They wear large cow bells and make very loud noises which are suppose to chase away the winter and evil and call the spring and good harvest.

If you want to get a good spot make sure to come early as it gets quite crowded and you can't get a good view at the parade. (I'm short, so this is always an issue :).)

And there is much to see in Ptuj, so you won't regret the extra time. Ptuj is one of the oldest towns in Slovenia, its origins date back to the Roman empire, when it was called Poetovio.

You can visit the castle, Ptujski grad, on top of the hill, which is one of the most beautiful feature in Ptuj, from where you get the wonderful views of the towns, its surroundings and of river Drava below. You can also visit the museum with permanent and temporary exhibitions.

Or you can stroll in the narrow streets with interesting architecture and people watch in one of the cafe's on the main square, Mestni trg.

When I'm in Ptuj, one of my favorite places to visit is Ptujska Gora 11km from Ptuj, a representations of most beautiful Gothic art in Slovenia. The church dates from from 1410 and is dedicated to Maria the Patroness.

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