11 November 2016

Top 3 things to do in Athens when on a business trip

In July, I was on a business trip to Athens, Greece.

Business trip can be always tricky. You can visit most interesting places, but never are able to see them because lack of time.

It can help if you can schedule your flights in a way that you have at least some time to explore. And luckily for me, the flights from Slovenia to other European destinations are normally not to convenient and the flights need to be planed much broader than the actual schedule of the the trip. So I had a whole afternoon to stroll around the city.

This wasn't my first time in Athens. I've been there many many years ago, but my previous visit was very short too, few hours only in passing.

This time around a had slightly more time, but still not enough to visit more than the usual and most obvious sights.

For the short term visits in Athens I recommend (or at least this is what I've menages to visit and see):

1. Acropolis. This is a must, i'd say. Nearly 3000 thousand worth of history up close isn't something we can see every day. Where calling something ancient is a compliment and an homage.

I always find it fascinating to walk in places where pass generations of few thousand years have walked. For me, it is an amassing feeling to imagine what the palce must have been before. It is a bit pricey - 20€ for just Acropolis and the slopes, but there is a lot to see, even if just in ruins.

If you have some more time, visit the Kerameikos, the ancient cemetery and the Panathenaikon stadium, where first Olympic games of modern times have been held.

2. Monasteraki Flea market. Athens flea market is a vibrant place near Monsteraki station in the centre. There you will find mainly usual souvenirs stuff. But you can find some shops that offer more elaborate things. Anyhow, you can find some nice gifts for last minute gift-shoping for you family and friends. If not, you still can have a nice stroll in the lively streets.

3. Wandering the streets. This is always my favorite thing to do, everywhere, as I believe that this is the way to see and to experience the most of every city or place. You will suddenly stumble upon and ancient building in the middle of the moderen surrounding. Other thing that you can admire in street walking is street art, which I find always fascinating, everywhere I go.

For more ideas what to visit in Athens refer to http://www.visitgreece.gr/en/main_cities/athens

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