14 May 2017

Steping back in time in Rome

In our recent visit to Italy which was iniciativen by the wish to visit the smallest state in the world, being completely surrounded by Italy's capital, we couldn't avoid avoid (nor that we wanted to) to visit also Rome.

Rome is quite unique city. There are many myths and expressions linked to it, such as that Rome wasn't build in a day and that all paths lead to Rome.

Rome know also as citta eterna or eternal city is one of Europe's largest cities, speeding on both sides of river Tibera and on seven surrounding hills. It is one of the most visited cities in Europe and in the world. And there are many reasons why.

The Romans established great civilisation that lasted for centuries. After the Ancient Greece they were the most powerful civilisation in Europe, their territory extending on the large part of Europe.

It is said that the city was established by Romulus on 21 of April 735 BC.

The legend has it that Romulus and Remus were twins born from the relationship of priestess Rhea Silvia and roman god of war Mars. Rhea Silvia was the daughter of Numitor, a descendant of Eneus, Toyan hero who left Troya after its descend. After wandering the world, he finally set foot in Italy and stayed. He establish a city in region Lazio which was lead by his sons after his death.

When Numitor came to throne, his brother overthrown him, killed his son and exiled his daughter Rhea Silvia.

When Amulius found out that Rhea Silvia gave birth to twins (even being priestess which prevented her to get married), he ordered for twins to be thrown in to river Tibera. At the foothill of Palatio, one of the seven hills nearby, she-wolf found the boys and care for them and feed them with her own milk.

When Romulus and Remus grew up and found out about their destiny, they paid king Amulius, their great-uncle, a visit and dethroned him. Their grand-father Numitor returned to power.

Romulus and Remus decided to establish their own city and agreed that the ruler will be the one that sees more birds. Remus saw more birds and Romulus didn't stand the defeat, so he killed Remus and named the city after himself and became the first ruler Rome.

The city since its founding had quite a history. One of the main areas in its powerful history was the time of Roman empire.

In the last 7 centuries of BC and first centuries of our time the Roman empire in one time occupied a large part of Europe up to British island to Middle East and South of Africa. It was a powerful civilisation that inspired many stories and movies. It still fascinates with its gladiator games that were amusement to the emperors and people, but were a death or life reality for slaves and foreign prisoners.

The Romans had an impact on a major part of Europe. They build cities with specific plan (two main streets that crossed the city), roads, aqueducts, houses with central heating, introduced their way of life, spas with hot and cold water pools that presented the central place for socialising and making new relations, and public toilettes.

They have build some amazing buildings that at least in some state lasted until nowadays so we too get to witness the rich and progressive life of Romans.

Modern Rome for me doesn't have quite the same feeling as the ancient Rome with the presence of the lives lived before.

This was my second visit to the city and I have to admit that Rome didn't impress me as I thought it would this time around, neither it did before. I'm mesmerised by the centuries long and rich history of the civilisation that in some ways was more advanced than ours and the city still offers a great experiences. The main monuments and turist attractions are just stunning (now graded by soldiers, which adds a creepy feeling to the visit, but I guess this necessary for our security) and you will enjoy the city in every step.

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