30 March 2017

One day trip: Cycling to Tržič

As the days get warmer cycling is one activity that we like to do as a family. There are few destinations that we take regularly as they don't require any additional preparation. We get dressed, take some food and drinks, take our bikes and we're off.

On a weekend I like to take it easy. I like when I don't have to think about everything and nothing all the time. When I don't have to rush any where. We have some great hikes and also and especially biking tours that we can take starting directly from our home. No need of a car and driving to the starting destination.  And this is what I like most about when going on a trip - I don't have to think about all the things and staff that we need to take with us or think about the time.

We decided to ride to Tržič, a town South from Kranj, where we live.

The ride offers quite a good exercise (OK, we are not talking about conquering Tour de France any time soon, so yes, a fairly good exercise for a normal on the lower side fit person).

The path leads through the fields and mainly on the country road with low traffic so the noise of the cars doesn't spoil the singing of the birds.  

Now, since both boy ride their own bicycles the cycling is not always a pleasant experience at least for one of us, mainly because the youngest is slower and always crying when his brother is way a head of him. It is quite funny (not for him though) when his peddling so hard that it seems like he will take off.

A part from that we all find cycling great fun and I also find it very relaxing. It's like the wind blows all the worries away and there are only calmness and peace. The sunny day and the nature around always maximise the feeling.

And then it is always nice to reach the destinations.

Tržič is a small town that has a long history. It was there in the Roman times and later it was one of most developed towns due to it's location as it was one of the main crossroad between Austria (Austro-Hungerian empire at that time) and Trieste, the biggest port on the Adriatic.

That was the foundation for many industries that developed in the town. One of the most prominent was the shoe-making industry with the leading factory until recent years - Peko. Unfortunately, the centuries of shoe-making craft, which Tržič was know for,  ended after 2008's economic crisis. Furtuately though in the past year or two, Tržič has seen a new burst of new generations of shoe-makers paiving their way and putting Tržič back on the map of shoe-making towns.

It is little know that Tržič is one of the cradles of skiing and ski equipment in Slovenia. In the Tržič museum you can admire the first, wooden skis and the process of ski making in the old days. 

There you can of course also see the history of shoe-making.

Tržič may be a small town but apart of its interesting history it offers great hikes to near by mountains that embrace it. There is also a gorge just outside the town called Dovžanova soteska. Or you can just cycle to other surrounding places.

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